A/D converter:
- Resolution: 8 bit
- Sampling frequency: 12.5,25,50 or 100MHz 1
Analog parameters:
- Input amplifier gain: -10dB - 50dB 1
- Input preamplifier 0dB or 10dB1
- Minimal sensitivity: 0.1mV - 1.6Vpp
- Maximal sensitivity: 50mV/Div - 0.5Vpp
Bandwidth: 0,1 - 25MHz
Input impedance: 50Ohm, 10pF
Trigger: internal (software)
Delay time: Post trigger 256us, measurement accuracy better than 1ns
Data buffer: 256, 512, 1K, 2K,4K,8K,16K or 32K1
1 - software selected
The software (for Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003) includes all necessary functions for ultrasonic measurements.
Optional it is possible to make software versions for the special needs of the user.
Uin - Measured input signal;
TrgOutput - Trigger output
Pin 1 - -12V
Pin 2 - 12V
Pin 3 - +5V
Pin 4 - Ureg - software controlled voltage (2-10V) used for pulse amplitude control of the OPGUD pulser&receiver units;
Pin 5-9 Control lines
DB9 (additional connector for Alarms controlling)
Pin 1 - 12V
Pin 2 - GND
Pin 3 - Controlled voltage signal: 0V or 5V
Pin 4 - Controlled voltage signal: 0V or 5V
One of the most important features of the card is a precise synchronization between the transmitter trigger signal T_NAD and the moment when the sampling of the input signal starts.
This time (t_pom) is software programmable in the range of 0 - 255us with a resolution of 1us and has stability within the range of 1ns. It is particularly important in the case of scanning devices, since it allows to achieve a very small time skew between different positions (channels). 1ns would correspond to a clock frequency of 1GHz which is much higher than the actual frequency used.
In the current version of the card, there is no analogue trigger input and this function is implemented in software.
The card is programmed through the memory operations.
Thanks to the feature which allows the base address change, a number of our cards can work in a single computer.
All the control signals generated by the card can be modified according to specific customer requirements.
OPCON Card is plug and play compatible with Windows higher than NT 4.0.
Standard driver include:
User can use standard dll library to the control OPCON Card.
Copyright © 1989 - 2021 Optel. All rights reserved.
Limited, registered in the Companies Register by the regional court Wroclaw Fabryczna, VI Industrial Section of KRS, under the number 0000124439,
NIP: PL 8981047033, REGON 008375538, operating capital 364,500 PLN