Optel ultrasonic technology

Optel Sp. z o.o. (Ltd) is an innovative company established in 1989.

We provide a wide range of ultrasonic instruments for NDE and NDT inspection systems solutions.

Our comprehensive know-how in many areas of ultrasonic technology, a technically advanced laboratory and experienced engineers allow us to develop and create sophisticated ultrasonic measurement systems for your company, fulfilling the most demanding technical requirements. We design ultrasonic systems for both automated and manual inspection in either on-line or off-line solutions for both industrial and laboratory applications.



Ultrasonic Tube and Pipe Inspection Solutions

SAW Spiral & Helix Weld Inspection
SAW Transverse and Longitudinal Weld Inspection
ERW Weld Inspection
Seamless Tube and Pipe Inspection

Ultrasonic inspection of plastic pipe – more than 300 system on the market.  Measurement and control technology for plastics extrusion since 1998.

The cost-effective complete solution for the ultrasonic measurement for superior raw material savings and stable product quality. Highly precise measuring values of wall thicknesses diameter, eccentricity, ovality, material consumption as well as statistic control: Pp/Ppk Cp/Cpp for Wall, and out-in diameter.

Solution for the ultrasonic measurement of geometries between 0.5 - 400 mm quality control and material savings

Realtime technology scans up to 35 measuring points around the pipe circumference and measures the wall thickness and the diameter in parallel.

Pressure and Gas Pipes; Tubes; Multilayer and corrugated pipe; Hot Water Pipe

Ultrasonic inspection of rubber products and hydraulic hoses

Ultrasonic testing of aluminium extrusion billets

Phased Array Measurement Techniques - automatic scanners for quality control of fillet welds of nozzles and examination of sandwich defects in nuclear reactor cooling systems

The ultrasonic measuring system detects inhomogeneities in panel-shaped materials, such as wood-based panels



Ultrasonic system for NDT and object detection
Ultrasonic system for testing of sensitive components online and offline
System for testing gear wheels  welded with electron beam
Nondestructive testing of Welded Thin-Walled Tubular Components of shock absorbers, axle shafts and transmission shafts
Nondestructive testing of cooling modules and components both for combustion engines, hybrid and purely electric cars



Food industry

Ultrasonic system for the food industry         


Aerospace & Shipbuilding & Wind turbine industry

High-performance ultrasonic testing system for testing of safety components in the industry
Early detection of mechanical damage by ultrasound
Ultrasonic systems for the manufacturing of complex parts for the automotive and aeronautical


Oil & Gas

Ultrasonic flaw detectors

Real-time quality metering of propanated biomethane

Ultrasonic measuring the velocity of sound in gases and quantitative characterization of binary gas mixtures

Technology and measuring instrument for express control of the quality of natural gas


Ultrasonic probes

Our high-quality probes and transducers are available in a range of frequencies, configurations, connector styles, and cable types to help you meet demanding inspection requirements.

Immersion transducers; High temperature transducers; Delay line transducers
Customized transducers; Contact Transducers; PVDF transducers
Composite transducers; Air-coupled transducers; Transducer Arrays; Dry-coupled transducers; Roller probes; Dual Element Transducers; Angle Beam Transducers; Wedges; Protected Face Transducers; High Frequency Transducers; Normal Incidence Shear Wave Transducers; Special Design Transducers; Applications Specific Transducers


Power ultrasonic instruments and systems

 Generators and analyzers; Ultrasonic welding; Plastic joining; Packaging; Pressing; Industrial Cleaning; Metal Welding; Medical and Food Applications; Drilling, cutting


UT Scanners

Ultrasonic Tank Shell Inspection
Ultrasonic Scanner for medical applications
Ultrasonic scanners for industry and laboratory measurement


Ultrasonic instruments and devices

Ultrasonic testing boxes (Flaw detectors)
Ultrasonic testing card
Ultrasonic multiplexers
Ultrasonic cavitation meters
Ultrasonic Pulser & Receiver
Speed of Sound Measurement Unit 


Medical application

Breast cancer early detection ultrasonic system
Ultrasonic holographic scanner for measurement and visualization of teeth
Dental cavitations and cavitation infections ultrasonic detection system
Holographic Sonograph for visualization and monitoring of changes in lung tissues, especially caused by COVID-19



We provide our customers with complete technical support, spare part supply as well as repairs and other services for all their own and their partners' products. We offer our customers the examination and calibration of ultrasonic instruments and systems according to various standards and inspection requirements.

Our high qualified personnel performs the examination with constantly calibrated measuring instruments. All measurements are being documented and summarized in a test report.


Feasibility studies

We analyze the testability of your components and create suitable inspection concepts. This may be the final testing in production, serial testing or batch testing on a random basis. Due to single inspection of e.g. prototypes, we support the development and the exclusion of problems for future manufacturing.



Research at OPTEL is carried out across a number of different channels in partnership with industrial partners and research and technology organizations, academic institutions and enterprises.

The National Center for Research and Development (NCBiR)

Funded by the European Union

Research and Development projects

Contact details

Przedsiębiorstwo Badawczo-Produkcyjne OPTEL Spółka z o.o.

ul. Jerzego Kowalskiego 5 PL-52-428 Wrocław

Phone: +48 71 329 68 53
Fax: +48 71 329 68 52

NIP: PL8981047033

Research & Development / Ultrasonic Technology / Fingerprint recognition
Member of Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology
Member of European Association for Biometrics – Human Identity in Europe