The Pulser/Receiver is equipped with additional amplifiers and can be used only with modified version of OPBOX, containing an interface for controlling it. One amplifier is used for PE (Pulse-echo - one-transducer) mode and second one for TT (two-transducers or through transmit ) mode.
Gain range ofboth of amplifiers is 0 - 50 dB controlled with 0.2 dB step.
Front view of Pulser/Receiver
Diagram of connections of all parts of the system.
The "Diagram" shows how all parts of the system are connected. "T1" and "out1" serves in one-transducer mode, connecting additionally "T2" and "out2" you can work with two-transducers mode where T1 is sending transducer and T2 is receiving one.
The Pulser&Receiver is featured with switch able pass filter. It is 0.5 to 8 MHz or 0.5 to 15 MHz bandwidth.
Using this version of pulser&receiver the amplification on both channels (TT and PE) is the same and can be controlled from computer.
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